Bar mitzvah trip to Israel

Bar mitzvah trip to Israel

Bar mitzvah trip to Israel – All in one place!

A Bar Mitzvah trip to Israel provides the opportunity for an exciting and memorable adventure for the whole family.

Stein-Shani provides a professional and customized service to customers abroad. We understand the difficulty in organizing an event remotely and we are here to help you put together your adventure, tailor-made for your family.

As part of the Bar Mitzvah trip to Israel, we arrange tours and fun activities for both children and adults, in the most spectacular and unique places in Israel such as Masada, the Kotel and the Red Sea. To complete your adventure, we will produce your perfect Bar Mitzvah ceremony and celebration for all your family and friends.

Our job will be to care of all the details, whilst your job will be to create special, lifelong memories.

call us on 972 (52) 48 44 204 Or use our contact us form.

Congratulations and MAZAL TOV!

Testimonials: “This journey we made together was bonding, heartwarming, funny, moving and very exciting. And this is thanks to you that conducted and lead it with dignity, patience, professionalism, sensitivity and endless caring.” read more