Bat mitzvah in Israel
The passage from childhood to adulthood taking responsibilities as an adult is an exciting and defining moment for any girl.
If you wish to give your daughter and your family a unique and exciting experience that she will not forget all of her life, a Bat Mitzvah trip together with Bat Mitzvah party in Israel are the perfect thing. Invite friends and family to take part with that experience and enjoy together the exciting journey that will connect you all to the Jewish roots and heritage.
Stein–Shani will help you with all the necessary preparations and will assist you in planning your trip and pour significant content along the way
We would be happy to contribute our experience and help you rewrite and Integrate your family heritage in the trip.
We are always available! Feel free to call 972 (52) 48 44 205 Or use our contact us form
Congratulations and MAZAL TOV!
Testimonials: “This journey we made together was bonding, heartwarming, funny, moving and very exciting. And this is thanks to you that conducted and lead it with dignity, patience, professionalism, sensitivity and endless caring.” read more